Eyes on the Fed 👀
Volatile market as banking system remains in limbo
Volatile market as banking system remains in limbo
Despite opening on #COVIDRecovery optimism, 2022 was a year of skyrocketing #InflationFears, global #UkraineCrisis shock, and #RisingYields disbelief
Markets look to forget 2022 starting 2023 bullishly green
Growing Fed pivot sentiment rally drives market despite #BigTech tumbling
🛍 Retail selloff. Retailers’ profitability hit sounded the alarm with negative impact from higher markdowns, freight costs, supply disruptions and labor costs. Perfect storm of #RecessionWatch fears fueled market panic. Consumer sectors badly underperformed very bearish market week down -8%. 💋 Flirting with bear market. Another bearish market week as S&P 500 dipped again into bear territory. While a Read More
😳 Aggressive Fed looms. New Fed commentary alluded to increasingly aggressive stance, but didn’t provide much concrete details. Without committing, Fed did signal #RisingYield rate hikes starting in March and balance sheet reduction in the works. We believe Fed policy shifts faster this year with less consideration of market impact to aggressively combat #InflationFears. 💻 Big Tech to the Read More
😅 Omicron fears abating. Positive developments on the #COVID19 Omicron front has the market running. Cases so far seem mild with high transmissibility and Pfizer believes its 3-shot regimen (2 initial + 1 booster) protects against Omicron. 🙄 CPI up only 6.8%… Nov 12-month CPI grew 6.8%-a 40-year high. However, markets actually cheered the news with CPI coming in below #InflationFears estimate of Read More
🇨🇳 China crackdown. #ChinaTension rising as Washington relationship referred to as ‘dead end’. China cracking down particularly on Tech making investors extremely nervous. Pending M&A deal approvals likely to face higher scrutiny as well. 📱 Weak Big Tech earnings. #BigTech and growth names largely lower following weaker #earnings last week. Growth down over -1% while overall S&P 500 only slightly lower. Read More
😁 Tech is winning. Another strong market week-S&P 500 up almost +2% with Growth leading up +3%. Growth rotation led by positive M&A deal traction and antitrust case wins for #BigTech. 😺 Banks pounce on lifted restrictions. Not wasting time, banks 🏦 boosted shareholder return programs with restrictions expiring in June. Investors cheered strong boosts like Morgan Stanley (doubling payout) and Read More