New meme trade featuring AMC 🍿

🥳  Growth resurgence fades. End of May Growth party fades in June. S&P 500 almost rose another +1% last week, but on #Flight2Safety Value names. Growth underperformed relative to overall market, but still up. 🇺🇸  Domestic recovery keeps rolling. More #COVIDRecovery momentum with surging demand and travel volume, but also growing pains from supply and labor shortages. ️🎭 AMC’s Wide Ride. New #GameStonk AMC Read More

Parade of Beats Drive Growth Rally 🥁

🥁  Growth relief rally. Strong week for high-growth names with a relief rally on strong #earnings. Bucking April’s overvalued mentality, last week saw a parade of strong beat and raises with investors getting bullish on growth again. Growth up +2% last week. 💪 Markets up on recovery progress. S&P 500 rose +1% last week. Investors cheered #COVIDRecovery progress across stressed Read More

Start Investing with Just $100 💵

Today, we’re excited to announce we’re lowering our minimum deposit. Get started with an interactive, research-based portfolio with just $100! We all spend years in school taking classes on almost every subject imaginable, but not one teaches you how to build wealth. Even outside of school, talking financials is a taboo subject among peers and Read More

Risk Appetite Waning 🔻

😳 Bitcoin falls -25%. #Crypto leader Bitcoin fell -25% in past week and -50% since April all-time high. New restrictions, more regulation and nervous investors all contributing.  👟 Risk appetite waning. Overall S&P 500 only slightly down less than -1% last week, but #Flight2Safety sector rotation continues-Growth down -2% while Value up +1%.  🎭 Streaming plot twist. AT&T announced deal with Read More

Value Surging in May 💐

‍💨👟 Value rotation. With bubble fears climbing (aided by rising meme stock and joke #Crypto interest), heavy #Flight2Safety to kick off May. Value stocks up +3% MTD while Growth down slightly so far. Overall S&P 500 finished up +1%. 😰 Rising #InflationFears. Treasury Sec Yellen briefly tanked markets Tuesday saying interest rates needed to rise ‘a little bit to make sure Read More

Earnings Winners 😃 & Losers 😖

💪 Domestic pandemic recovery strong. As cases continue to rise globally, 🇺🇸 #COVIDRecovery momentum strong. #Earnings winners saw reopenings and increased spending drive beats. Even #RevengeTravel got a boost with Europe likely opening to vaccinated Americans in summer. 🤢 International pandemic recovery not so much. #COVID19 continues to surge internationally with new all-time case highs. Companies with large international exposure were #earnings losers often Read More

Introducing Achievements 🏆

Today, we’re excited to share our new app release featuring Achievements 🏆. We know building wealth through long-term, diversified investing takes patience. 😣 It always feels easier to spend today vs. save for tomorrow. Achievements celebrate milestones as you build long-term wealth. You’ll complete milestones as your account balance grows over time through investment returns or wealth-building deposits. Update your app to see your next Read More