Weekend Update 12/12/2021

Weekend Update recaps market highlights and major news from Ursa’s portfolio. Not on Ursa yet? Download Ursa from the App Store!

Market liftoff on easing #COVID19 Omicron worries 🚀

😅  Omicron fears abating. Positive developments on the #COVID19 Omicron front has the market running. Cases so far seem mild with high transmissibility and Pfizer believes its 3-shot regimen (2 initial + 1 booster) protects against Omicron.

🙄  CPI up only 6.8%… Nov 12-month CPI grew 6.8%-a 40-year high. However, markets actually cheered the news with CPI coming in below #InflationFears estimate of 7%. 10-year treasury yield rebounding up +11% for week.

👟  Tech running. Strong week for Technology up +6% outpacing overall S&P 500 up +4% for week. Not a lot of company specific news, but #BigTech and Payments rebounding hard.

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