Weekend Update 12/5/2021

Weekend Update recaps market highlights and major news from Ursa’s portfolio. Not on Ursa yet? Download Ursa from the App Store!

Volatile market week with all 👀 on Omicron 🦠

😬  Omicron anxiety. Big market movements all week with small bits of #COVID19 Omicron news trickling out. Investors remain super anxious with #COVIDRecovery uncertainty from new variant. S&P 500 ends down -1% for week.

💸  Transient no more? Powell is retiring describing inflation as ‘transient’ and considering accelerating asset tapering timeline. Quick tone change from just a couple weeks ago signaling #InflationFears risk likely increasing. However, 10-year treasury yields still tumbled -9% on #COVID19 Omicron concerns.

🛍  Consumer Spending High. Despite #InflationFears and #COVID19 Omicron, consumer demand still appears to be strong. Initial November estimates has holiday spending up +12% Y/Y. Doesn’t look like rising prices or a pandemic will stop 🎅.

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