Weekend Update 10/31/2021

Weekend Update recaps market highlights and major news from Ursa’s portfolio. Not on Ursa yet? Download Ursa from the App Store!

Supply chain issues spooking investors

🚢  Supply shortages. #SupplyScare has companies scrambling to build and ship products. Component shortages, labor shortages, rising fuel costs and delayed logistics all compounding the issue. Not boding well for Q4 🎄 season.

⚾️  Revenue strikes out. Revenue missing Street expectations is a recurring theme this #earnings season. #COVIDRecovery demand seems to be there, but companies can’t produce enough product due to #SupplyScare issues.

💸  Yields flatten. #RisingYields reverse with yield curve flattening as 10-year treasury yield falls -4% last week. Investor concerned with Fed tapering starting just as #COVIDRecovery progress slows into Q4.

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As of the publish date, Ursa portfolios may own AMD, NOW, NVDA & PYPL. These securities may cease to be portfolio holdings at some point in the future. As of the publish date, Ursa portfolios do not own AMD, NOW, NVDA & PYPL with no plans to open any positions in the next 5 days. Any mention of these securities is for purely informational purposes only and NOT investment advice.

The statements, opinions and analyses presented here are provided as general information. This article is the opinion of the author. Anything within this article should NOT be considered an investment recommendation or advice. See Ursa’s full disclosures here.