Hawkish Plans 💸

📈  Yields spike. Fed March meeting minutes released signaled very hawkish discussions around raising yields in 0.5% increments and starting balance sheet reduction as soon as May. Fed looks to be VERY aggressive with #RisingYields to combat #InflationFears. 10-year treasury yield spiked +14% to new YTD highs. ✈️  Flight to safety. High-growth technology names led markets lower on #RisingYields and more reports Read More

Semis Made in the USA 🇺🇸

🛡  Biden visits NATO. President Biden traveled to NATO HQ in Belgium for discussions on ongoing #UkraineCrisis. Cautious market optimism with more cooperation, additional sanctions and forceful condemnation of Putin. S&P 500 maintains rally up another +2% last week. 💸  Rising yields chatter. Barely a week out from March meeting and investors already speculating on the next #RisingYields hike. Powell Read More

War in Ukraine ⚔️

⚔️  Ukraine invasion. After weeks of #UkraineCrisis escalation, Russia invaded Ukraine on Wednesday night (US time). US and other NATO nations retaliated by imposing severe sanctions on Russia with little deterrence impact so far. Initially plummeting -3% premarket, S&P 500 rallied ending up +1.5% on Thursday. 🗣  Russia ready to talk? Russia agreed to send a delegation to not-so-neutral Read More

February Recovery? 🤞

☕️  Jittery markets. Markets remain extremely volatile as investor reevaluate lofty growth valuations. Winners this week include AMD surging on strong growth outlook and Amazon hiking Prime price; while losers include Meta and PayPal plummeting on slowing growth. ️🦠  Omicron in decline. 🇺🇸 #COVID19 Omicron cases sharply declining down -60% from mid-Jan peak. Investors looking to get #COVIDRecovery party started, but Read More

Investors Flee Growth 💨👟

💨👟  Fleeing growth. 2022 started right where 2021 ended with fear around lofty Growth valuations in a #RisingYields environment. While overall S&P 500 down -2% for week, heavy #Flight2Safety Value rotation all week with Growth underperforming Value by over 5%. 📝  Hawkish Fed minutes. Compounding already negative Growth sentiment, Fed Dec meeting notes released indicate quicker balance sheet reduction under consideration Read More

2022: Year of the Hawk 💸

Market Musings 1/6/2022 Quick thoughts on the markets and major portfolio news. Not on Ursa yet? Download Ursa from the App Store! #RisingYields likely to be major 2022 trend. We believe Fed gets more hawkish than current plans as indicated by recently released minutes. Updated January 7, 2021 Massive #Flight2Safety value rotation first week into Read More

Early Christmas for Markets 🎁

🧪  No US lockdown. Biden announced 🇺🇸 #COVID19 Omicron plan focusing on vaccination and testing vs. lockdowns. Fearing a shutdown similar to many in Europe, announcement kicked off week-long rally on Omicron optimism. 🥳  Lots of Omicron cheer. Looking past surging cases, investors rally into the holidays on #COVID19 Omicron optimism. It seems like Omicron surges to a peak quickly with milder Read More

Fed Turns Hawkish 🦅

🦅  Fed shifting to offense. Fed turns hawkish to combat surging #InflationFears. Fed accelerating tapering plan doubling monthly reduction to $30B and targeting 3 rate hikes in 2022 (up from just one expected last month). We think even the accelerated expectations may still be conservative… 😷  Omicron surging globally. While still milder symptoms generally, high transmissibility has #COVID19 Omicron surging Read More