Market Musings 12/2/2024

Quick thoughts on the markets and major portfolio news. Not on Ursa yet? Download Ursa from the App Store!

The S&P surged in November ending up almost 6% following a strong post-election rally.

🇺🇸 November Elections

Markets popped following the election. Investors are anticipating a stronger business environment from potential #Deregulation to #MadeInTheUSA domestic manufacturing to corporate tax cuts.

In particular, we saw strong outperformance in Financials, Industrials and Communications.

🎁 December Uncertainty

So, December opened a little mixed. Despite a typically seasonality strong month (particularly the Santa rally post Christmas), macro uncertainty is weighing on the holiday cheer.

A strong #LaborMarkets jobs report on Friday could alleviate some concern.

However, skepticism may persist until the Fed meeting mid-month. Investors are currently favoring more #RateCuts (3-to-1 odds), but we could see expectations flip-flop until the meeting. 

Once again at all-time highs, markets are pretty frothy with optimism.

The economy appears to be trending towards that coveted #Goldilocks soft landing, but we still need to land it.

#LaborMarkets remain our primary question mark as well as some concerns with the last mile of #Inflation declines.

As usual, we recommend adding to portfolios on a regular basis and look to take advantage of any market pullbacks for additional contributions.

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Original Photo by fauxels.