Weekend Update 6/25/2023

Weekend Update recaps market highlights and major news from Ursa’s portfolio. Not on Ursa yet? Download Ursa from the App Store!

Markets more cautious breaking S&P 500’s 5-week green streak…

🇨🇳 China weakness. China announced new economic stimulus initiatives that were lighter than expected. Markets opened the holiday shortened week lower with China-exposed companies and industries underperforming.

🏦 Powell testimony. Powell testified to Congress reiterating expectations for more #RisingYields hikes likely to come after June’s pause. Markets continue to underestimate the extent of the Fed’s willingness to continue rate hikes.

📉 Broken streak. The S&P 500 snaps its 5-week green streak with the week ending down -1.4%. However, the S&P 500 has recovered from last year’s bear market quickly up +14% YTD and up 20+% since the low last Oct.

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