Weekend Update 1/4/2025

Weekend Update recaps market highlights and major news from Ursa’s portfolio. Not on Ursa yet? Download Ursa from the App Store!

Markets finally turn green on Friday rebounding from 5 straight days of red since Christmas.

🏛️ Debt limit. Treasury Secretary Yellen warned Congress that the US is likely to hit its debt ceiling as early as 1/14. The inability to borrow has potential to shutdown or limit some government services near-term. It likely leads to more volatility as Congress negotiates an increase.

📡 Net Neutrality repealed. A US appeals court struck down FCC-reinstated net neutrality rules. Net neutrality rules require internet providers to treat all web communications equally. This #Deregulation could be a positive for telecom service providers.

🥺 The Grinch Steals Xmas. The S&P 500 ends the week down -0.5%. Markets slid -3% in the 5 trading days after Christmas. Finally, some New Year’s optimism with a rebound on Friday.

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